Jumaat, 23 Disember 2011
Scuba Dive and Snorkeling at Pulau Manukan, Pulau Perhentian, Pulau Redang, Pulau Tioman...contact us...
Ahad, 6 November 2011
Ucapan Hari Raya Aidiladha
Terima kasih kepada sahabat yang mengirim /mengucapkan selamat hari Raya Aidiladha...
Berikut antara ayat yang cantik diterima daripada kawan-kawan...
Kata-kata tersebut dapat dijadikan pengajaran dan ianya benar-benar menusuk kalbu...
Perkataan yang cantik ialah Allah
Lagu yang merdu ialah Azan
Ensiklopedia yang bagus ialah Al Quran
Senaman yang baik ialah Sembahyang
Diet yang sempurna ialah puasa
Mandi yang segar ialah wuduk
Perjalanan yang indah ialah Haji
- Rosmawati Che Ghani-
Yang jauh itu WAKTU
Yang dekat itu MATI
Yang besar itu NAFSU
Yang berat itu AMANAH
Yang mudah itu berbuat DOSA
yang panjang itu AMAL SOLEH
Yang indah itu MEMAAFKAN
-Nik Jamilah-
Berikut antara ayat yang cantik diterima daripada kawan-kawan...
Kata-kata tersebut dapat dijadikan pengajaran dan ianya benar-benar menusuk kalbu...
Perkataan yang cantik ialah Allah
Lagu yang merdu ialah Azan
Ensiklopedia yang bagus ialah Al Quran
Senaman yang baik ialah Sembahyang
Diet yang sempurna ialah puasa
Mandi yang segar ialah wuduk
Perjalanan yang indah ialah Haji
- Rosmawati Che Ghani-
Yang jauh itu WAKTU
Yang dekat itu MATI
Yang besar itu NAFSU
Yang berat itu AMANAH
Yang mudah itu berbuat DOSA
yang panjang itu AMAL SOLEH
Yang indah itu MEMAAFKAN
-Nik Jamilah-
Sabtu, 5 November 2011
Young leader
Can u imagine you are the leader among the others with your age is younger than them...as a senior officer teacher...you walk through among another senior teacher...sometimes they didnt have any problem with yoau but maybe your same position didnt like you and they will hurt you, defamed you and abuse verbally..attact in in a meeting...but im fell thats thing now is nothing to me because im immune already after a year i had to deal with all the accusation...for that person you need to remember this..."the earth is round so that your position does not necessarily and sometimes have to be on any time we are under" and Allah is watching you...yes I'm always sick due to stress, but grateful for the pain was at least clean up my sins...I'm always in a depression, but gratefully my husband always give moral support..These challenges made me a stronger woman and resilient..it has taught me how to become a good leader even can not satisfy everyone surrounding you.before this im a person who never cries and always worry about why I can not cry until the tears out, but now I am relieved to be crying, but not in front of others at least crying didnt it means that im are weak but strong enough to make me more gallant person now I am no longer weep on account of things done by the low-minded with me..now every thing they done to me..im just smiling and say alhamdulillah in my heart and just work as usual withaout aware that im facing her for a year
Selasa, 1 November 2011
War of the roses
Park Dong Sae kesiankan bekas isterinya yang penat memikirkan antara menerima cinta baru En Hwang ataupun memaafkan dirinya yang pernah curang terhadap Hae Joo.,
'Dulu kita selalu duduk di sini bersama-sama.''Park memulakan bicara.Hae Joe dengan lemah memandang bekas suaminya yang amat dicintai suatu ketika dulu.
''En Hwang telah melamar saya''.Hae Joe dengan berat hati menyatakan ayat keramat yang paling ditakuti Park.
''Jadi...awak terima ke...?Air muka Park berubah.Apa yang paling ditakutinya terjadi jua.Aku yang tgk nih...meleleh air mata ...hehe...seronok kuar air mata...exercise..ape pun tak sabar tunggu malam ni nyer sambungan...
episod 78
Bae Yoe Mie yang mengandungkan anak En Song mula menggunakan bayi yang dikandungnya untuk memujuk Park Dong Sae untuk memelihara rahsianya yang mewujudkan syarikat haram bersama En Song.....
Dalam masa yang sama Yoe Mie telah mencucuk Na Mi Young dengan menyebarkan cerita tidak benar tentang Hae Joe dan memberi idea kepada Mi Young untuk menggoda En Hwang....Yoe Mie tidak boleh melihat kebahagiaan Hae Joe...
Hae Joe masih tidak dapat memaafkan atas kecurangan Park tetapi dia mula rasa kasihan dengan Park yang sanggup mencuba pelbagai jalan untuk kembali kepadanya...dalam masa yang sama Hae Joe mula terfikirkan bahawa En Hwang mungkin masih menyimpan perasaan terhadap Mi Young
'Dulu kita selalu duduk di sini bersama-sama.''Park memulakan bicara.Hae Joe dengan lemah memandang bekas suaminya yang amat dicintai suatu ketika dulu.
''En Hwang telah melamar saya''.Hae Joe dengan berat hati menyatakan ayat keramat yang paling ditakuti Park.
''Jadi...awak terima ke...?Air muka Park berubah.Apa yang paling ditakutinya terjadi jua.Aku yang tgk nih...meleleh air mata ...hehe...seronok kuar air mata...exercise..ape pun tak sabar tunggu malam ni nyer sambungan...
episod 78
Bae Yoe Mie yang mengandungkan anak En Song mula menggunakan bayi yang dikandungnya untuk memujuk Park Dong Sae untuk memelihara rahsianya yang mewujudkan syarikat haram bersama En Song.....
Dalam masa yang sama Yoe Mie telah mencucuk Na Mi Young dengan menyebarkan cerita tidak benar tentang Hae Joe dan memberi idea kepada Mi Young untuk menggoda En Hwang....Yoe Mie tidak boleh melihat kebahagiaan Hae Joe...
Hae Joe masih tidak dapat memaafkan atas kecurangan Park tetapi dia mula rasa kasihan dengan Park yang sanggup mencuba pelbagai jalan untuk kembali kepadanya...dalam masa yang sama Hae Joe mula terfikirkan bahawa En Hwang mungkin masih menyimpan perasaan terhadap Mi Young
Ahad, 30 Oktober 2011
Trip to Jakarta and Bandung 22 okt to 25 Okt 2011
Experience for the first time rose flight.hihi ...
Gathered at 4am ... .... SKBRP entourage kept busy as 13 participant.Ascend a van to KLIA etxcited n nervous ... 1st time travel with flight.jeolous for my husband that had been in a variety of plane ride before huhu...
Praying Suboh in the mosque KLIA .... breakfast at McD ...
7:50 stepped foot jack up the MAS economy class seat no 22A ... ... sitting next to the edge of the casement .. kak Idzin and her husband in the plane ride tu .... never conscious and at last i had dock hands tight thigh kak Idzin ... sorry sis ... tremble and stomach dock .hihi amused.
Until the Sukarno Hatta airport in Jakarta at 9am Malaysia/8am jakarta ..buy cappucino at RM8..wow so shocked...continue to wait for a guide travelers Dodi.We were excited when we pack a bunch of young people carrying things ready for us Khong give 20k rupiah ... do not thought the value less than RM10 .. that person face chelate and left the van door maybe if u give for 100k the door may be closed completely.Thats Jakarta people...hehe
The trip to Bandung take approximately 3 hours time ... laughing all the way cool words known comedy ....nasi liwet, sup bontot, mee kocok and others..Im surprised to see the big statue of two couples greeted us at the Serena Hotel... stay at room 209 with Zanariah Awang and facing by our room is 208 where kak idzin and husband there.
People here are most of the nation Sundanese and Javanese..
Here it could be considered the slogan of "one family two children"...yes because of that slogan i cant see any pregnant woman there...if in Malaysia u can see pregnant woman everywhere...
Among points of interest are Tangkuban Boat ... another expert not take a bath at hot spring but I do not let the opportunity to feel the warmth of the water from the volcano..There have a man that snap picture there and the value of pic is RM5..
Most can not be forgotten here is their strawberry have a sweet taste but their tea fields not as pretty as the tea fields cameron tea in Malaysia.
In Bandung there a a good people more honest compared with advance in Jakarta ... if Im given the opportunity i didnt like Jakarta because there a full of sights in Jakarta are excessive with beggars and leavings...When that view in front of my eyes...im feeling grateful to be in a safe country altoough not rich as Amerika or London
Gathered at 4am ... .... SKBRP entourage kept busy as 13 participant.Ascend a van to KLIA etxcited n nervous ... 1st time travel with flight.jeolous for my husband that had been in a variety of plane ride before huhu...
Praying Suboh in the mosque KLIA .... breakfast at McD ...
7:50 stepped foot jack up the MAS economy class seat no 22A ... ... sitting next to the edge of the casement .. kak Idzin and her husband in the plane ride tu .... never conscious and at last i had dock hands tight thigh kak Idzin ... sorry sis ... tremble and stomach dock .hihi amused.
Until the Sukarno Hatta airport in Jakarta at 9am Malaysia/8am jakarta ..buy cappucino at RM8..wow so shocked...continue to wait for a guide travelers Dodi.We were excited when we pack a bunch of young people carrying things ready for us Khong give 20k rupiah ... do not thought the value less than RM10 .. that person face chelate and left the van door maybe if u give for 100k the door may be closed completely.Thats Jakarta people...hehe
The trip to Bandung take approximately 3 hours time ... laughing all the way cool words known comedy ....nasi liwet, sup bontot, mee kocok and others..Im surprised to see the big statue of two couples greeted us at the Serena Hotel... stay at room 209 with Zanariah Awang and facing by our room is 208 where kak idzin and husband there.
People here are most of the nation Sundanese and Javanese..
Here it could be considered the slogan of "one family two children"...yes because of that slogan i cant see any pregnant woman there...if in Malaysia u can see pregnant woman everywhere...
Among points of interest are Tangkuban Boat ... another expert not take a bath at hot spring but I do not let the opportunity to feel the warmth of the water from the volcano..There have a man that snap picture there and the value of pic is RM5..
Most can not be forgotten here is their strawberry have a sweet taste but their tea fields not as pretty as the tea fields cameron tea in Malaysia.
In Bandung there a a good people more honest compared with advance in Jakarta ... if Im given the opportunity i didnt like Jakarta because there a full of sights in Jakarta are excessive with beggars and leavings...When that view in front of my eyes...im feeling grateful to be in a safe country altoough not rich as Amerika or London
Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011
Rabu, 28 September 2011
envy and jeolousy
Sometimes I want to laugh like a crazy woman when somebody who challenged us and do stupid things that tarnish the image and honor him. Whatever it is, i`m so happy here looking for what else they will do ... It will run out of ideas to bring down others to raise themselves...sometimes i`m feel very sad thinking of my fate that not as pleasurable to others. With my status as the eldest of 12 siblings,,, it is hard not to mention when my lovely father's death in 2009.After the death of my father, I was promoted, I moved house more comfortable, getting the salary of an efficient, getting a new car...every day I remembered my late to the rush makes me glad to get along the days after days...Home from school Friday to go back to Kedah for taking the child that be chicken pox ( send Mira at the village on Saturday 2 weeks ago) .. up in Kedah, at 1.00 am ... on Saturday at 3:00 rush home because my patner needs to provides sambal nasi lemak from 2.00 pm to 7.00 pm ... I arrive at school at 9.30pm ... I take chili, eggs 60 eggs, anchovies and when I get home I need to cut and blend chili, boiled eggs and fried .... at the same I cut the anchovies to a price tag ... 5.ooam Sunday morning at school I rushed to the sauce and heat for laying out a table for sale. My brother came until 9 o'clock and at 12:00 I went out for a while send them to my house and my peer calculates the sales on that day .. back to school and help other partners to wash pots 3:00 belanga. When husband and children to come, I lead them to buy food, but everything is finished ... because they do not eat, I have to go back home and in a state tired I could not afford to drive.I`m sleep because I think my migraine had coming.But other people that jealousy was inciting big boss. big boss is not a good leader, even from external pious and good looks but did not realize he was able to slander me..If they are above me is a good and sincere people I do not see why they have not called them excellent for the position ... This is because of the rotten heart of others ... wrong simply agitated by his subordinates. .. he was not fair and coward leader
Khamis, 15 September 2011
Raya2011 di Kedah, Kelantan, Terengganu
Back to Kedah on Saturday night .. depart at 10.30 pm and got home at 4.00 am in-law ... Until further just get landing ...
Monday's first day ... to the length of the grave ... eat ... kiah tok mee laksa gravy fries that may hold the only hope for .... ..
Tuesday ... at 10.30 leave for Kelantan journey ... stop eating at the restaurant lake Tasik Banding ... the crying of Lisa, I guess ... the other SPAGHETTI comparable eat fried rice (nasi goreng kampung) ... price oklah .. not bad
street jams from Tanah Merah, Kota Bharu Machang ... ok ... stop by Pak Ngah house in Chabang Tiga, Pengkalan Chepa and houses .... Stay in beach chalets PCB only RM180 for 2 families ... .
Raya to third went to Terengganu .... stay at Hotel KT Mutiara Kuala Terengganu ...
Stop at Batu Buruk beach and keep playing kites next ....
stop at the Crystal Mosque and monuments in the world. There were mosque the Crystal and mosque monument... adult entrance fee of RM15 ... senior citizens and children RM8 ...
proceed to the Sekayu waterfall and back to Kedah on Saturday ... go back to KL ....
Monday's first day ... to the length of the grave ... eat ... kiah tok mee laksa gravy fries that may hold the only hope for .... ..
Tuesday ... at 10.30 leave for Kelantan journey ... stop eating at the restaurant lake Tasik Banding ... the crying of Lisa, I guess ... the other SPAGHETTI comparable eat fried rice (nasi goreng kampung) ... price oklah .. not bad
street jams from Tanah Merah, Kota Bharu Machang ... ok ... stop by Pak Ngah house in Chabang Tiga, Pengkalan Chepa and houses .... Stay in beach chalets PCB only RM180 for 2 families ... .
Raya to third went to Terengganu .... stay at Hotel KT Mutiara Kuala Terengganu ...
Stop at Batu Buruk beach and keep playing kites next ....
stop at the Crystal Mosque and monuments in the world. There were mosque the Crystal and mosque monument... adult entrance fee of RM15 ... senior citizens and children RM8 ...
proceed to the Sekayu waterfall and back to Kedah on Saturday ... go back to KL ....
Sabtu, 23 Julai 2011
Dalam kemurahan rezeki yang diterima banyak juga malapetaka yang menimpa diri ini. Kalau sampai orang lain boleh membuat andaian pelbagai atas kesihatan yang tidak baik menjengah ku tika ini sedangkan aku terus harungi apa juga yang menimpa diriku dengan penuh rasa keinsafan. Aku terima kesakitan dengan positif ...mana tahu sebenarnya kesakitan ialah proses pembersihan diri proses penghapusan dosa yang aku sendri tidak sedari. Mungkin dari segi kata-kata atau gerak tubuh sudah memberi isyarat kepada orang tertentu tanpa aku sedari...sedangkan kata-kata boleh diubah reka oleh mereka yang berkepentingan inikan pulak yang lain-lain.mungkin kejayaan aku terkena panahan mata orang lain kerana sehingga sekarang masih ramai memperikaikan apa yang aku perolehi.pelik...aku sering demam, sakit kepala dan muntah yang tidak berkesudahan tetapi doktor kerajaan dan swasta mengklasifikasikan aku hanya banyak bakteria dalam darah; keracunan makanan....aku berpegang satu sahaja....setiap kejadian ada hikmahnya.walaupun tika ini kepalaku berdenyut dan berpusing2 namun sempat juga aku meluahkan dalam diari maya ini.
Jumaat, 1 April 2011

Rabu, 16 Mac 2011
Bahaya fitnah
Orang yang menyebarkan fitnah adalah orang yang fasik...skang ni tgh menimbang2 sama ada aku nak bawa perkara ni ke muka pengadilan atau aku nak biar jer hamba Allah tu teruskan memfitnah aku yang aku sendiri tak tau hujung pangkalnya pasal ape dia sedap mulut jer fitnah orang sesuka hati...kalau dapat saman 100k sedap jugak tu...cam lisdawati saman nadia mustafar huh...banyak jugak samannya tu kena...hmm takpe Allah Maha Mengetahui
Jumaat, 11 Februari 2011
Jumaat, 28 Januari 2011
Perbelanjaan bulanan
Tahun ni memang aku terkedu sket bile dibuat anggaran belanjawan ..sebelum ni tak pernah buat pun...bukan aper malas nak pikir duit yang dah terbang tu...prinsip aku ialah jika tak cukup duit cari duit lebih...kalau harap nak simpan alamatnya makan lauk telur ngan ikan bilis jer la...
Untungnya perkongsian antara suami isteri..taklah beban sangat.
1) Sewa rumah RM600
2) Kereta RM872.00
3) Transit Iman RM100
4)Tadika Lisa RM180
5)Bibik RM450
6)Astro RM90.00
7)Bil api dan air RM150.00
8)Parents RM500
dan segala hutang tupperware, cosway, kain baju..huhu
Untungnya perkongsian antara suami isteri..taklah beban sangat.
1) Sewa rumah RM600
2) Kereta RM872.00
3) Transit Iman RM100
4)Tadika Lisa RM180
5)Bibik RM450
6)Astro RM90.00
7)Bil api dan air RM150.00
8)Parents RM500
dan segala hutang tupperware, cosway, kain baju..huhu
Catatan (Atom)